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Før jeg lagde videoen om vinterlysene i Fargegata, så måtte jeg øve meg litt på redigeringsprogrammet. Vi har hatt nedbørsrekord


Vinterlys i Fargegata

Se video av tenningen av Vinterlysene i Fargegata. Foto: Joanna Bjerga   Over 6000 personer hadde meldt sin interesse på

1SEFamily Historyvideo

#1SE August

A week late. Comings and goings. Firsts and lasts. Friends and family and SCREENS. And back to school. And


#1SE June and July 2017

Two for one this time. I accidentally deleted the whole app and all my recorded seconds in the app from

1SEFamily Historyvideo

#1SE April

Spring has sprung! April gave us Easter and Händel’s Messiah and General Conference and  sunshine and flowers and fruit and

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